Music in the Soul can be heard by the Universe

Past, present, and future readings for your soul from the stars.

The very well-known quote of Lao Tzu, “Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” – Lao Tzu is very inspirational for the blog related to the great composers, singers, and musicians who left behind them a long-lasting legacy in music.

Why should we not separate the music from the composer or art from the artist? One brief explanation is that their souls have the skills to bring them to life on Earth. They wisely used those soul skills, and in life on Earth, they progressed and developed even more, leaving behind a long-lasting legacy.

Without in-depth analysis, let’s take a look briefly at the galactic astro charts and readings of Akashic Records for several composers, opera singer, and singers of different genres. So instead, I randomly choose several compelling cases, such as composers of different eras, Antonio Vivaldi, Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky, Ludwig van Beethoven, American soprano diva Jessye Norman, legendary French singer Edith Piaf, and Spanish singer Maria Dolores Pradera with unique, extremely rare contralto voice.

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was born in Venice, Italy, on March 4th, 1678. Almost every node of the decagon exhibited his outstanding soul talents and soul skills for music. The great music aligns with the Galactic Center in this particular life, which really means GREAT MUSIC. Even though his father wanted him to be a priest, and he was ordained, his soul chose music in this life. Well, he was a high-ranked priest in his past life, and in this life, he was a priest as well. His soul had memories regarding various disabilities, and even in this life, he suffered from certain disabilities.

Nevertheless, Vivaldi had soul skills and talents, particularly in wind instruments and making robust and intense music. Just think about his composition Winter from the Four Seasons or Storm (Presto) from Summer of the Four Seasons. Undoubtedly, many of his compositions are flamboyantly exuberant and mimic sounds from nature (for example). Some other nodes exhibit that Vivaldi has an outstanding talent for creating operas and stage performances. Many other performance skills which his soul had we can see as well. In this life, his soul came from Draco Constellation. Still, we cannot omit that his soul has been on Arcturus or Orion Constellation (Betelgeuse) in some of his past lives. His soul has skills and memories as a great writer, judge, prosecutor, homeopathic, and natural healer with numerous past lives in Austria, Florence – Italy, and the Vatican as a high-ranked clergy.

Storm (I would rather say Presto) from season Summer, the Four Seasons, four violin concertos that give musical expression to the year’s seasons.

Starseed to Starseed! We can feel the entire impression of the winter when Maestra Mari Silje Samuelsen, a Norwegian violinist, plays the music of Starseed soul, Antonio Vivaldi It represents the “channeling” of Vivaldi’s soul. She brought multiple dimensions and heavenly frequencies exactly as Vivaldi proposed and wanted.

His well-known quote, “There are no words, it’s only music there.” – Antonio Vivaldi

Ludwig van Beethoven

In Bonn, Germany, Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770, as a Starseed from Betelgeuse, Orion Constellation, and the Sun was aligned with the Galactic Center. Despite the challenging and dramatic life with many turbulences and physical and mental disabilities, his soul brought outstanding skills and talents for music and performance. His soul has memories of utter lawlessness. He did not care for any possible rules; indeed, he was not held back by regulations. His soul has skills as a lyric poet of sensuality and love, a wise counselor, and many more. His soul left long-lasting legacies in many past lives, not just in this one. His numerous disabilities appeared even in this life when he probably faced the 4th initiation of the soul, the most challenging, dramatic, and painful initiation. However, some analysts said he is an example of the 3rd initiation of the soul in this life. Even though he was highly spiritual but antisocial in this life, he never found love from others or himself. He was having a life of chaos, abuse, constant suffering, and constant deterioration of health, including what is vital to his profession and career. Beethoven endured so much pain and heartbreak, yet he could lay down work that would bring joy to millions of people until the end of Earth. What an extraordinary example of not letting misery and outside circumstances defeat and crash you. We all have the power to create and produce for the benefit of others. Creativity is a gift we have all been given that can cut through the extreme challenges in our lives. His soul has many past lives in Ancient Greece, leaving long-lasting legacies in Italy, Germany, and Russia. Also, as a high-ranked advisor, wise counselor, and spiritualist, his soul has many skills and memories in stage performances.

His quote related to music, “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks, and invents.” – Moonlight Sonata, Beethoven

Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky

Yes, probably all people relate The Nutcracker ballet (for example) to Christmas, beauty, magic, enjoying watching ballet, and listening to a piece of beautiful romantic music. But is it about all of the above? No problem, it is your right, and please enjoy this beautiful music as you want and how you want. But, there is a bigger story behind this ballet that most people are not aware of. In my research of the great composer Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky, I found one fascinating fact regarding the Nutcracker. Each piece of music was from his life, his soul. A similar thing we can find in Vivaldi’s music. I was probably of the very few people in the audience who were “crying” watching the Nutcracker. Sometimes, I felt like a freak sitting in the audience and being in a “trance” with Tchaikovsky’s music, every single note. But most of the people were laughing and enjoying the Nutcracker. So, what is the real story behind the Nutcracker? Christmas? If it is what you feel, it is OKAY, and that is the truth; it is about love, beauty… but there is much more behind Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker music. This is a beacon of hope, a light source in the darkness, the story about the loss, depression, unconditional love, profound grief, and strong bond between siblings in this life and the loss of his precious sister Sasha. Undoubtedly, his soul is unique in composing ballet, dance, and performance compared with other composers. He came into this life to leave long-lasting legacies. His past life before this one was in the 18th century, and he was a dancer who lived in the south of China. His past lives were in Germany, Hungary, the lands of the North Sea, and Nova Scotia – Canada. He was a spiritualist, dancer, musician, and stage performer in his past life. In his chart, we can see; clearly, his soul has memories regarding disability, depression even bipolar disease. Even in this life, he was living with severe depression.

Tchaikovsky Nutcracker Grand Pas de Deux – The Sugar Plum Fairy and Cavalier. It is dedicated to his sister, Sasha’s soul.

Jessye Mae Norman

Jessye Norman was born on September 15, 1945, in Augusta, Georgia, the U.S.A. Every single node of the decagon of the galactic astro chart exhibits extraordinary skills and talents in music. In this particular life, she was and still is the best dramatic soprano in history. Even though she was able to sing from a mezzo-soprano, soprano, and dramatic soprano in this life, she did not like to be classified as a dramatic soprano only. Starseed from Andromeda Galaxy and numerous past lives even on Orion Constellation, diva Norman in this life exhibited many other talents and her soul skills and memories from past lives. She was a good mentor, teacher, advocate for human rights, and wise advisor. Well, simply, she came to this life to leave behind her outstanding long-lasting legacies. Her past life before this one was in the 16th century, and she lived in Spain, Grand Canary Island. In her past lives, she lived in Germany, Spain, North Africa – Algier. Her soul has many skills and memories as a great writer, academician, academic professor, spiritualist, outstanding musician, and performer with excellent talents for foreign languages. Her soul received many honors in many past lives and this one as well. As she said in her book, “Stand up straight and sing.” It is so simple. In this life, she showed her soul skills for writing so beautifully as she sang. Even though German and Austrian composers were her specialty, she left an extraordinary performance by Henry Purcell’s, When I Am Laid In Earth –

Her famous quote: “There’s no anger ever in a spiritual. There’s always the dream of a hope of a better day coming. That God understands the troubles that I’m experiencing.”

Rest in peace. You will be remembered for the beautiful music you gave to us.

“Ich leb’ allein in meinem Himmel, in meinem Lieben, in meinem lied.” from Mahler’s Rückert-Lieder: Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen. Translated, it means ” I live alone in my own heaven, in my love, in my song.” She finishes by saying ” Schöner gehts nicht”, meaning “It could not be more beautiful.” Jessye Norman

Edith Giovanna Gassion, a.k.a. Edith Piaf

On December 19, 1915, Edith Piaf was born in Paris, France, as a Starseed from Orion Constellation (Betelgeuse). The Sun was aligned with Galactic Center. In this life, Edith Piaf brought many soul skills and memories. Her dramatic and challenging life was so overwhelmed with losses that traumas did not move her from music. She expressed many musical talents and abilities in stage performances. Her well-known quote, “Every damn thing you do in this life, you have to pay for,” shows her ability to deal with all challenges in her life. She was passing (in this life) the most challenging initiation of the soul, the 4th initiation, a dramatic, painful, and challenging experience. Her past life before this one was in the 18th century in Asia. She lived in Spain, France, many countries in Asia, Croatia, and ancient Babylon and Mesopotamia in her past lives. Her soul has memories of one or more of the royal families of ancient Sumeria and Mesopotamia. Her soul is the old soul.

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien – Edith Piaf –

Maria Dolores Pradera

Very interesting! Maria Dolores Pradera was born in Madrid, Spain, on August 29, 1924. Her soul has many musical skills and talents and a unique way of interpretation, simply genuine. She was born in Madrid; however, she has been singing songs from Latin America all her working life. Even her Spanish was actually Castilian. Is it a coincidence? No, not at all! Many of her past lives were in Latin America, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and Chile. She chooses in this life to sing her soul memories. Her voice was extremely rare, and it was a contralto voice, the lowest of the female voice types, and extremely difficult to find. The possible origin of her soul is Andromeda Galaxy; however, some nodes showed the past lives on Orion Constellation. Her soul has many memories related to physical and mental disabilities from past lives. Her soul has many skills, such as an excellent advisor, wise counselor, mentor, a healer with outstanding intuitive abilities. Her past life before this one was in approximately the 13th century, and she lived in Paris. Maria Dolores Pradera was an old soul, wise, and experienced.

Lágrimas negras –

We see her extremely rare voice (contralto) we can experience in her performance Hijo de la Luna

Nikita Gill wrote one of the most beautiful quotes related to old souls: “There is a beautiful thing inside you that is thousands of years old. Too old to be captured in poems. Too old to be loved by everyone but so loved so very deeply by a chosen few.”



Soul And Stars


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