Lunar Calendar – Lunar days 1st – 10th

Past, present, and future readings for your soul from the stars.

The 1st Lunar Day – The Lamp

This is the beginning of a new lunar cycle! New start, new little “life”… Symbolically, it is beginning something new, new light, and the source of that new is the lamp. The first lunar day means the beginning of the new lunar cycle. However, this lunar day can last only several hours or even minutes. For example, the first lunar day on February 20, 2023 will last only 36 minutes. It is a time to plan new projects and events that are supposed to happen during this new lunar cycle. I would strongly suggest spending this day by yourself planning and thinking about something related to you, your business, your matters, and things.

Imagine and visualize your business growth, your new treatment for the disease, and your new diet being successful. The first lunar day allows you to choose a new path; however, it is essential to state that it does not depend on you, circumstances, or possibilities. So today, avoid any conflicts and let it go.

Try to answer the question, what is/are your goal(s) to achieve in this lunar cycle? It is a favorite period to send out new job applications and start new projects. It will bring you tremendous success.

This lunar day is the absolute favorite day for getting rid of bad habits and forgiving, polishing bad relationships, or improving friendships.

It is time for planning but not action or actions; settle down, think, and make notes. The human is similar to a newborn that particular day, so do not spend too much energy. Planning, planning but without any action and spending energy.

This particular day symbolizes the human head. So please try to avoid alcohol and hot and spicy food. Too much exhaustion and spending energy can cause headaches.

For divinatory purposes, if the person was born on this particular day, all life will stay childish, daydreamers… So those people should start with any mental work on the 15th Lunar day.

The 2nd Lunar Day – the Mouth – Cornucopia

It is a time for the realization of the plans that you have made on the 1st Lunar day. The Moon’s energy will send you all necessary for revealing your strategies. One important thing is not to be in any doubt. Simply, it is a time for action. If you choose to start a new project, do it. Start that project today!

It is a favorite day to start a diet, do physical exercises, read a new book, and study. Avoid conflicts in relationships, marriage, negative emotions, or evil and nasty thoughts.

This particular lunar day will bring you impulses from the Moon to accumulate strength and energy for the rest of the lunar cycle. Giving is the motto of this specific lunar day, which is why this day carries the energies of greed and the impulse for a massive amount of food intake. So do the total opposite, show giving.

People born on this particular day have great physical stamina and are extremely practical.

The 3rd Lunar Day – Leopard is preparing itself to jump

This is the first day in the Lunar cycle that you will be able to see the young crescent Moon. The symbolism of this phenomenon is the exit of everything that matured inside. Everything you planned in the first two days of the lunar cycle is growing, getting shape, and expanding in time and space. The features of this particular day are strength and persistence. It is a momentous day!

Where is the energy of this particular day? In the time of the waxing Moon, the Moon, and the Sun are on one side and in the joint gravitational force and pull out water in the other way. Well, today, the scenario is changing.

This is the day when you need to start with mental and physical activities exercises, choose the most challenging task, and do it, finish it. People worked with metal, sharpening tools, and silver in ancient times.

People born on the 3rd lunar day are usually good athletes or soldiers or any area that requires strength and persistence.

The 4th Lunar day – The Tree of Life

The symbol of this day is the tree of life. For today, set up agenda to work with words, sounds, prayers, and emotional-will motivations. On the 4th lunar day, you will see the first reaction and results of all activities you accomplished from the first lunar day. The energies of this particular lunar day are stable and in balance. It is the ideal day to walk into the woods, and forest, working with wood. The dreams are vivid, and they will bring you insight.

People born on the 4th lunar day usually carry some life secrets, predominantly with developed clairvoyant abilities.

The 5th Lunar day — Unicorn

The symbol of this particular lunar day is the unicorn. The legends say the unicorn appears in front of men only when men expect some important changes. This lunar day can bring some contrast (black and white, positive and negative…). The second symbol of this particular lunar day is oil for the fire. Today is when you should eat a small amount of food, but what you like. Finally, today is the day for herbalism, gathering and preparing herbs for drying.

People born on this lunar day are like heroes from fairytales. They eat a lot, but they do not gain weight. They are prone to sudden and unexpected changes in their lives.

The 6th Lunar day – Clouds

This lunar day is ideal for meditation, love, happiness, passion, and intuition. Also, this lunar day is excellent for scientific work (scholarly work) and mental exercises. This day is substantially more passive compared with the 5th lunar day. Today is a day for divination. This is an excellent day to get rid of tobacco and cigarette addiction. This day can bring vivid dreams with messages about what needs to be done soon and finished. People born on this particular day live in inner peace and are very modest.

The 7th Lunar day – Rooster

The energy is abundant and huge. Today is the perfect day to do some innovative work, Do not ruin anything; instead, build. The most critical significations of this particular day are words. Use them wisely! If you do not have a filter between your brain and tongue, the best option is not to talk (at least not too much). This lunar day is good for traveling; a wise word will be like a talisman with protective properties.

People born on this particular day are usually very healthy and like talking. So mostly, these people are good speakers.

The 8th lunar day – Fire

The symbol of this particular day is the challenge. The challenge with transformative energies and usually people became qualitative different. During this day, you could quickly feel that your mood is changeable. You must be working with the element of fire. It can be walking on a sunny day, burning candles, or simply (if it is winter) setting fire to your fireplace and performing meditation in front of the fireplace. It is the ideal day for traveling, real estate, buying properties, or simply resting. People born on this particular day are original in every possible way. These people are usually outstanding actors/actresses.

The 9th Lunar day – Bat (Milky Way)

This is the first challenging day in the lunar cycle. The energies are powerful, and they have a mostly negative influence on humans. The unconscious rhythms of humans are in synchronization with the lunar cycle. It is the day to cure karma. Please avoid extended contact with other people on this particular day. It is a day for reading and self-education, which consequently requires being yourself and concentrating.

The day is ideal for any cleaning. It is a typical vegan day, so avoid any food of animal origin. People born on this particular day are usually not physically or mentally healthy.

The 10th Lunar day – Fountain

The symbol of this day is the element of water, a fountain. This day is particularly a favorite for the family business. It is a favorite period to start building your family home or buying it. Traveling beginning on this particular day usually is very successful.

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